Over the last few months, we have been working on a list of Art and Craft Fairs in the Kansas City area and surrounding areas. The list is ever-growing, but we've found several promising shows that we'd like to try this year. Of course, we can't go to all as some are over the same weekend, but we have a beginning.
Suggestions and information on the various shows are always welcome. If you know of one, please send it in. We'd love to add it to our list.
Suggestions and information on the various shows are always welcome. If you know of one, please send it in. We'd love to add it to our list.
2nd-5th Old Shawnee Days Shawnee Kansas http://www. oldshawneedays.org/
- Unknown booth size/price
4th Liberty Arts Squared – Liberty, MO
- Apply on Zapp
- Attendance – 5,000
- Application Deadline 4/21
- $75 for booth
- $25 to be juried
- Required 5 photos of product
- Required 1 photos of booth
4th Handmade in the Heartland Craft Fair – Wichita, KS (July 2nd & August 13th) http://wichita.craigslist.org/ eve/2267297669.html
- 10x10 booth
- $45 (includes 8ft table & 2 chairs
- All handmade crafts welcome
4th-5th Art in the Park – Columbia, MO http://artinthepark.missouri. org/info.html
- Closed – no longer receiving applications
- Attendance – 18,000 ppl
3rd-5th Down Town Days….Streets Alive! in Lee’s Summit
- 10x10 booth
- $250 for a Handcrafted booth
- Deadline to apply – April 1st or cost $275
- Electricity $30 for 110v
- Tent Rental (if needed) $220
- Required 5 photos of product
- Required 1 photos of booth
17th-19th 2011 Town Art Show at town Center http://www.townart.org/
- 10x10 booth
- Required white tent
- $250-$300 – Booth fee goes to the Parkinson Foundation of the Heartland
- $30 Jury fee
- Can get corner booth for $50
- Deadline to apply – April 1st
- Original work only
- Required 4 color slides of work – label artist name & size of media (can be digital)
- Required 1 color slide of booth (can be digital)
3rd-4th Kansas City Riverfest(firework show) http://kcriverfest.com/ ( waiting for updated site)
- 10x10 booth size
- $300 for the booth
6th-7th Powderhorn Art Fair – Minneanapolis, MN http://www.powderhornartfair. com/
- Apply on Zapp
- $210 for 11x11 booth
- Jury Fee $25
- Required 4 photos of product – no booth photo required
- Deadline to apply – May 1st
- Art fair profits go toward community programs (teen center, pottery kiln, photo lab)
25th-26th-27 Bonner Springs Tiblow Days http://bonnersprings.org/comm_ info10.html
- Unknown Booth size and price
2nd-4th Art Show at the Fest, Kansas City Irish Festival 2011 (Labor Day Weekend) www.kcirishfest.com
- Apply on Zapp
- $300 for 10x10 booth
- $25 Jury Fee
- Deadline to apply – June 1st
- Attendance – 100,000
- 4 vender passes w booth (free festival admittance)
- White tent required – provided w 2 outlets for lighting (300 watts)
- Required 3 photos of product
- Required 1 photos of booth
8th-10th Old Settlers Days Olathe, Ks http://www. johnsoncountyoldsettlers.com/
- Handmade Only
- 10 x 10 booth
- $150 – includes electricity
9th-11th Art Westport http://artwestport.net/
- Apply on Zapp
- Exclusively for KC area artists – must live within 40 miles of the downtown KC post office
- Apply between March 1st-May 1st
- 10x10 booth
- $300
- No commercial or manufactured work
11th Lawrence Fall Arts & Crafts Festival http://lawrenceks.org/lprd/ specialevents/pdf/ fallartsandcrafts2011.pdf
- 10x10 booth
- $55
- $20 for electricity
- No Commercial Jewelry
- Can rent a table for $10 each
16th-18th Mosaics – Missouri Festival for the Arts, 2011
- Apply on Zapp
- $225 for 10x10 booth
- $25 Jury Fee
- Deadline to apply – May 30th
- Attendance 90,000-100,000
- Required 4 photos of work
- Required 1 photo of booth
16th-18th Zona Rosa Arts Festival 2011 http://www.zonarosa.com/ Events/EventDetails/tabid/ 3340/ArticleId/2550/8th- Annual-Zona-Rosa-Arts- Festival.aspx
- Apply on Zapp
- Jury Fee $25
- Required 3 photos of work
- Required 1 photo of booth
- Deadline to Apply – July 5th
- 10x10 booth
- $200 for booth
23rd-25th Country club Plaza 79th Annual Plaza Art Fair http://www.countryclubplaza. com/Events/Plaza-Art-Fair
- Apply on Zapp
- Jury Fee $35
- Required 4 photos of work
- Required 1 photo of booth
- Deadline to Apply – May 1st
- 12x12 booth
- $100 extra for a corner booth
- $400 for the booth
9/30-10/2 Longview Art and World Music festival 2011
- Apply on Zapp
- $245 for 10x10 booth
- Jury Fee $25
- $74 for corner booth
- Required 4 photos of work
- Required 1 photo of booth
- Deadline to Apply – July 20th
1st-2nd Weston Mo. Apple Fest http://westonmo.com/ visit/main.html
8th-9th (2nd full weekend of October) Sugar Mound http://www.moundcity.org/ index.php?option=com_content& view=article&id=94&Itemid=163
- 10x10 booth
- $100
3rd (22nd-23rd) weekend in October – Maple Leaf Festival http://mapleleaffestival.com/ index.htm
- 10x10 booth
- $25 for electricity
- $100
- KS sales tax number required
- Photos of booth required
- Deadline to apply – June 1st
- Handmade only
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