
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wire Jewelry Tutorials Sites

There is a lot of interest out there for jewelry tutorials. When I first began making jewelry, I thrived on learning techniques from tutorials and books offered by professionals in the field. So I thought I'd share with you a list of some wire-jewelry professionals who create fantastic tutorials.

Jewelry Lessons

This is a fantastic resource. This has both full jewelry making professionals creating both free and paid tutorials as well as newbies sharing their projects. I found this venue probably 1 1/2 to 2 years ago and was just amazed at all the knowledge being shared. You can view pretty much everything as a guest or create a login and start downloading tutorials and saving your favorite projects. One of the best things about this community is all the free advice and companionship! You'll never feel alone again as you learn some great techniques! They actually have a polymer clay site as well called Clay Lessons if you're interested in learning that medium. Many artists create beads or focal pieces out of polymer to use in their jewelry. Jewelry Lessons provides options for free tutorials as well as paid tutorials. You can modify their search parameters for lower cost (and free) to the higher cost and skill level options.


You can find many artists who love teaching others their craft. Many of those artists on Etsy who sell original pieces also sell tutorials on how to make those pieces. Most all of these sellers offer paid tutorials. Each listed below are very talented individuals with amazing designs. The tutorials are well worth the fee's for the knowledge and skills they are offering.

Wire Artists on Etsy
Just to name a few.

Here are some of my favorite tutorials on Etsy.


Several jewelry artists not only sell their work in finished form, but they will host blogs and perhaps provide free tutorials. Sometimes they will be simple pieces of work to give you a taste to purchase something more elaborate, or completely free. Just depends on the artist.

Blogging Wire Artists


Ok. So Pinterest doesn't have tutorials directly, but you can certainly use the search bar to find posts from others about tutorials. Or at least find plenty of inspiration. It's one of my favorite places to search for cool and interesting designs or catch a quick tip. I have some great boards with tons of links back to inspirational pieces and tutorials.

I do have a board dedicated to posts specifically for tutorials Jewelry Tutorials DIY - Wire, Metalsmithing, Jewelry and one dedicated specifically for inspiration called Jewelry & Wire Design Inspiration.

Follow Me on Pinterest

Good luck on your learning adventures! A goal of mine is to begin making tutorials so keep a lookout at my Projects page. I'll update it as I get tutorials out. Some of them may not always be wire related like the first one I posted, but it's still a tutorial and a good start.



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